Understanding a mirror image of oneself

Psychologist Gordon G. Gallup Jr. performed an experiment in which he anesthetized a male chimpanzee and placed a colored mark on a part of his face that he could not see without the aid of a mirror. Gallup then showed the chimpanzee a mirror, and based on what he saw in the mirror, the chimpanzee touched the mark on his face with his hand. This shows that chimpanzees have the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror. This ability has also been confirmed in gorillas, orangutans, elephants, and dolphins, but not in monkeys.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Inner Eye: Social Intelligence in Evolution  Nicholas Humphrey  Oxford University Press (February 13, 2003)
The Thinking Ape: The Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence  Richard Byrne  Oxford University Press (March 23, 1995)

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