Sexual skin swelling in primates

The swelling of sexual skin* is a well-known example that demonstrates the relationship between sexuality and sociality. In order to show their estrous status to males, the genitalia of females in many primate species begins to swell as ovulation approaches. This sexual advertisement is not observed in all primate species. Observing the evolution of such sexual swelling through the primate taxonomic tree, this sexual characteristic is thought to have evolved independently in at least five primate taxa.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Primate Sexuality (2nd edition)  Alan F. Dixson.  Oxford University Press (2012)
『人類進化論―霊長類学からの展開』 第4章 霊長類の性と進化  山極寿一 (裳華房、2008)
性の進化、ヒトの進化−類人猿ボノボの観察から』  古市剛史 (朝日選書、1999)

*A morphological advertisement of ovulation in primate females, whereby exposed genital skin is, at the follicular stage, swollen by water accumulation or reddened due to an expansion of blood vessels. It is observed in various taxa, including gibbons, pig-tailed langurs, African arboreal guenon monkeys, baboons, and macaques. In Hominoidea, that consists of great apes and humans, only the genus Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos) displays periovulatory sexual swelling.

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