If humans have the same origin as apes and other animal…
タグ: 人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開
Female philopatric species and female dispersal species
Social structure also greatly affects the life cycles o…
The life cycles of great apes
If we compare great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorilla…
Female dispersal slows breeding
The female philopatric species of primates have strong …
Humans are the only apes that form a multi-level society
Current human society is typically based on the family,…
Is high intelligence unique to humans?
Humans who went into the savanna faced two problems: sp…
Harsh environments evolved active food sharing as a means of communication
At what stage of our evolution did active (voluntary) f…
Humans have a “mosaic” of ape features
On the one hand, the difference in body size between th…
Plundering the birds’ pantry
The evolutionary history of primate diets is a story ab…
Human equality theory
Using this primate social evolution model, Itani critic…