Chimpanzees and bonobos

Apes of the genus Pan inhabit areas around the Congo Basin, and are divided into bonobos (Pan paniscus), which only live to the south of the Congo River, and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), which are distributed the north of the river. Some chimpanzee subspecies have extended their distribution into woodlands and savannahs in western and eastern Africa, where there are no gorillas.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates  Frans de Waal W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition (March 10, 2014)
最後の類人猿―ピグミーチンパンジーの行動と生態』  加納隆至 (どうぶつ社、1986)
ピグミーチンパンジー:未知の類人猿』 黒田末寿 (以文社、1999)
チンパンジー:ことばのない彼らが語ること』 中村美知夫 (中央公論新社、2009)
あなたはボノボ、それともチンパンジー?』 古市剛史 (朝日新聞出版、2013)

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