Thinking and Experience

You look, and there is a road across the window. If you go down the road you should reach the sea, and a sandy beach should spread there.

But sometimes there may be situations where you thought there is a sandy beach, but it had become a revetment a long time ago. If you see this, you will certainly deny the existence, but the experience you imagined will remain.

Thinking and letting the mind become active is unique phenomena of its own, and it becomes an experience independent of the reality of the world to some extent. Phenomenology departs from experiences. Without any assumptions, phenomenology makes experiences its starting point, to describe and explore the world's various tangible and intangible things.


■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)

Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology  Edmund Husserl Martinus Nijhoff Pub. (July 31, 1977)

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