Intelligence and Movements

When we think about AI with a body enabled by 3D technologies, in the game world, the problem is the connection between the part of intelligence and the part that controls the movement.

Decision-making is often a discrete and symbolic system, and motion generation realizes continuous movements while interacting with the environment. The next challenge was how to connect these two parts. *1

In the early days of the digital game, the character's body was basically playing the motion specified by AI. After that, the character's body came to automatically change its behavior to match its surroundings (terrain at its feet, cliffs, walls, etc.) and constraints (such as the enemy's direction items). *2

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
AI最前線の現場から【スクウェア・エニックス】 キャラクターの身体を作る 三宅陽一郎 二〇一六

*1: The reversal of the master-servant relationship occurs frequently here. Intelligence cannot think of everything through decision-making, and sometimes there are cases where the body movement is given the priority, for example to avoid a ball flying towards the body. Of course, intelligence can also think of a long-term plan if in a calm period. It is the intelligence that goes back and forth between the two poles – abstract thinking and physical reflexes.

*2: This means to adjust the reproduced motion to the environment. However, intelligence is, in essence, the ability to generate movements according to the purpose in the environment. However, this had not been achieved yet.


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