
Affordance is the value that an environment has for its intelligence.

In other words, affordance is formed according to the ecology that intelligence has. "Umwelt (Environment World)" is a world which emerges when an organism tries to live in an environment. It is "affordance" seen from the viewpoint of psychology.

Affordance is also an important keyword when a game character recognizes the environment. *1

By giving affordance in the KR (knowledge representation), the Character Acquires the knowledge of action possibilities in the world surrounding it. *2

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions)  James J. Gibson  Routledge; 1 edition (November 22, 2014)
デザインの生態学 新しいデザインの教科書』  後藤 武、佐々木 正人、深澤 直人 二〇〇四年

*1: "Environmental affordance is what the environment provides to animals. It is what can be prepared or equipped, whether good or bad. Using the word affordance, I would like to describe what is related to both the environment and the animal, in a way that cannot be expressed in existing languages. This word encompasses the complementarity of animals and the environment." (Quoted from The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception by Gibson)

*2: "Apples" can be "eaten", "cars" can be "driven", and "bows" can be "released". When you enter a room and see "an apple", "a car" and "a bow", you can determine the action suitable for each subject via affordance information, and to select one of them is decision-making.

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