Binti’s story

Great apes are a little different from monkeys. In 1996, at Brookfield Zoo in the United States, there was an incident in which a three-year-old boy who was watching the gorillas fell into a moat. Everyone froze as a large male gorilla ran up, as if about to attack the boy. Then, a female gorilla named Binti approached the boy, gently picked him up, carried him to the aisle, and handed him to the zoo keeper.

Perhaps Binti understood that her actions would save the boy.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ヒトの心と社会の由来を探る~霊長類学から見る共感と道徳の進化~』  山極寿一 (財団法人国際高等研究所、2011)
家族進化論』 第5章・第3節 仲間を思いやる心  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

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