
Two Aspects of “Existence” of Organisms

Organisms have both physical and informational aspects.

Even if we change materially, we have "memories" that guarantee the temporal continuity from the past, like the Ship of Theseus. On the other hand, we live in the world as material beings.

What should be noted here is that it is impossible to distinguish between these two aspects. They function as one existence, intertwined with each other.

Organisms are entities with the duality of the informational and material aspects, which both function simultaneously.

This means that intelligence can be seen from two viewpoints of material and informational aspects, just like a quantum can be seen to have the duality of being a particle and being a wave, in quantum mechanics.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)

「進化と知能」 A.I.FM講演 、三宅陽一郎、二〇一三年https://www.slideshare.net/youichiromiyake/y-miyake-aifm201376

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