
Humans learn from experiences. Then, what about artificial intelligence?

By earning experience, Artificial Intelligence becomes Artificial Intellect

By incorporating phenomenology as a foundation, artificial intelligence can aim to build intelligence that encompasses richer experiences. Youichiro Miyake * , Game AI developer, believes that the paradigm shift in Artificial Intelligence by Phenomenology is required.

Human beings vitalize experience. In this context, humans are advanced creatures. In other words, human beings have become creatures that catch and solve problems in a flexible and variable frame of time and space while undergoing evolutionary phylogeny. "Intelligence" can be said as a name for this "hierarchy of intelligence" that is structured and sophisticated. What if the paradigm shift by Phenomenology was achieved, the artificial intellignence would become something which should be called “artificial intellect.”

*IGDA Japan Game AI Expert Committee was established (chair), DiGRA JAPAN director, Japan Art Association director, Artificial Intelligence Society editor. He is also Visiting Fellow at the University of Tokyo and Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (Miyake Labo Profile – Miyake Labo https://miyayou.com/about/).

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・Cartesian View of the World and AI

It is a Cartesian way of thinking to consider "artificial intelligence" as a "thinking existence."

Since Artificial Intelligence (AI) was born, it can be said that the development of AI has been made almost in Cartesian view of the world surrounding it. As a result, artificial intelligence has been confined to the frame of the thinking existence.

However, this is not true for organisms living in reality. In order to restore the living world to artificial intelligence, we need to break free from the Cartesian view of the world surrounding it. (“Cartesian World View” – iCardbook | https://society-zero.com/icard/627460  )

Edmund Husserl began to think beyond the Cartesian view of the world surrounding it. Husserl was the founder of phenomenology. Artificial intelligence can also be developed within the range of phenomenology to bring about greater potentialities.

・Phenomenology and AI

You look, and there is a road across the window. If you go down the road you should reach the sea, and a sandy beach should spread there.

But sometimes there may be situations where you thought there is a sandy beach, but it had become a revetment a long time ago. If you see this, you will certainly deny the existence, but the experience you imagined will remain.

Thinking and letting the mind become active is unique phenomena of its own, and it becomes an experience independent of the reality of the world to some extent. Phenomenology departs from experiences. Without any assumptions, phenomenology makes experiences its starting point, to describe and explore the world's various tangible and intangible things. (“Thoughts and Experiences” – iCardbook | https://society-zero.com/icard/558814 )

And it is the whole body and intelligence that embrace all experiences.

Intelligence arises from where humans face the world with the whole of physical and informational aspects. Artificial intelligence also experiences the world with the whole of the body and intelligence, and improves intelligence by embracing the world. (“The Phenomenological Rotation of Artificial Intelligence” – iCardbook | https://society-zero.com/icard/223811 )

Merleau-Ponty brought a physical perspective to phenomenology. He said, "We live in this world by our bodies. The body is our general medium for having a world. (‘The Phenomenology of Consciousness)”

Check out (books) reference on Descartes, Husserl, and Merleau-Ponty, which has a close relationship with AI development.

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【Reference (books) List】

(For more information about the book, click the book title. If you click on the related knowledge card that is under the book title, you can see the context in which these books are selected for reference, which are very useful for an Active Learner.)


Discourse on Method and Meditations of First Philosophy
・Cartesian View of the World/https://society-zero.com/icard/757116
Logical Investigations
・Husserl's Phenomenology/https://society-zero.com/icard/877796

Phenomenology of Perception
・Physical Perspective/https://society-zero.com/icard/363423
・Husserl's Transcendental Subjectivity/https://society-zero.com/icard/769964
・The Paradigm Shift in Artificial Intelligence by Phenomenology/https://society-zero.com/icard/558775
・Oriental Thought and Artificial Intelligence/https://society-zero.com/icard/688211

Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: First Book
・Husserl's Transcendental Subjectivity/https://society-zero.com/icard/769964
Cartesian Meditations: An Introduction to Phenomenology
・Physical Perspective/https://society-zero.com/icard/363423
・Thinking and Experience/https://society-zero.com/icard/102239
・Husserl's Transcendental Subjectivity/https://society-zero.com/icard/769964

・Artificial Intelligence and Others/https://society-zero.com/icard/413874
・Cartesian View of the World/https://society-zero.com/icard/757116
・A Phenomenological View of Intelligence/https://society-zero.com/icard/448818
・Artificial Intelligence and Phenomenology/https://society-zero.com/icard/657944

◎This is a listing of Reference "Chapter 8: Reconstruction of Artificial Intelligence Concept by Phenomenology""Chapter 9: Agent Architecture" and Phenomenological Artificial Intelligence" of ' AI meets Philosophy:how to design the Game AI (Youichiro Miyake)'.


◎You can buy 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intellect (Youichiro Miyake)' at Kindle Store.

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