
Adapting Physical Movements to the Environment


The role of AI in the game is to get information from the world surrounding it as a character’s brain, make decisions, and adapt its physical movements to the environment. *

In other words, the feature of the character's artificial intelligence (Character AI) is that it makes a character stick to its intentions, harmonizing the character's internal structures and movements with the environment.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
「デジタルゲームのための人工知能の基礎理論」 三宅 陽一郎 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 、VOL.18 NO.3、二〇一三年  http://journal.vrsj.org/18-3/s28-33.pdf

*: For example, a character has to step forward from a wall in order to pull a bow, has to look for the key first to open a door, and needs to recover magic points to unleash magic.

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