
The discovery of infanticide


Infanticide by males was first discovered in 1965, in Hanuman langur, India, by Yukimaru Sugiyama, then a graduate student at Kyoto University.

One day, a male group of langurs attacked a polygynous group* and drove away its leading male, after which one member of the male group became the new leading male.

The new leading male killed one female’s baby after another.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
子殺しの行動学: 霊長類社会の維持機構をさぐる』  杉山幸丸 (講談社学術文庫、1993)

*The social structure of primates can be roughly classified into “solitary,” “pair” (consisting of a male and a female), “polygynous” (consisting of a single male and multiple females), “polyandrous” (consisting multiple males and a single female), or “multiples of both sexes” (consisting of multiple males and females). Hanuman langurs usually form polygynous groups.

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