
Acquisition of a dancing body

The Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind, and Body

Furthermore, standing on two legs made it possible to move the arms and hips rhythmically, and it became easier to tune in to music. Gorillas and chimpanzees also stand on two legs when making a display. Music has the effect of inviting the mind and body to harmonize. It reduces the boundaries between people and enhances the spirit of harmony and cooperation.

Those effects would have enhanced the survival ability of human beings when, without weapons, they coped with threats in dangerous grasslands populated by many carnivores.

Human aggression differs from that of other primates in that humans fight for the group, rather than the individual. This may be a unique trait of the human mind that was enhanced by music.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind, and Body  Steven Mithen  Harvard University Press (October 31, 2007)
家族進化論』 第5章・第12節 ヒトの音楽能力の進化  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

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