
AI and Structuralism

Fundamentals of Language

Structuralism is a view that equates things with the same structure, even if they are seemingly different.

Originally, it can be traced back to Bourbaki's tendency that Mathematics finds similarities between different fields through the structure, and constructs Mathematics itself by the structure backward.

Then there are the achievements of Roman Jakobson who applied it to Linguistics, and Levi Strauss who applied it to Anthropology.

Structuralism in AI tries to bring the same structure to AI, by paying attention to the similarity of AI and Natural Intelligence or the similarity of the intelligence structure common to all organisms.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Fundamentals of Language (Classic Reprint)  Roman Jakobson  Forgotten Books (April 18, 2018)
Theory of Sets (Elements of Mathematics)   N. Bourbaki  Springer; 1st ed. 1968. 2nd printing 2004 edition (November 23, 2004)
Structural Anthropology  Claude Levi-strauss  Basic Books; Revised ed. edition (June 7, 1974)
人工知能のための哲学塾』 第四夜第二章 構造主義 三宅 陽一郎 二〇一六年 人工知能のための哲学塾 第四夜「デリダ・差延・感覚」資料 三宅陽一郎 https://www.slideshare.net/youichiromiyake/ss-59171186

*: He was a French anthropologist (1908-2008). He is the founder of Structuralism. He is also the founder of an analytical method to take out the structure that lies at the basis of the society and culture but is not clearly recognized by the people who manage it. [Editorial Department]

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