
Ecological AI


As time progresses, "ecological AI", or the realization of intelligence in the environment, has emerged from cognitive science and biology. It is oriented to realize AI from the body and ecology of organisms in the environment.

AI with the body does not just make decisions in information processing. AI is expected to adapt its own physical movements to the environment. It has begun to be thought that such intelligence is working in unconsciousness in the deeper layers of mind, not by sophisticated decision-making.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
人工知能のための哲学塾』 第五夜「メルロ=ポンティの知覚論」   三宅 陽一郎 二〇一六年
生態心理学の構想―アフォーダンスのルーツと尖端』  佐々木 正人、三嶋 博之、エレノア・J・ギブソン他 二〇〇五年
人工知能のための哲学塾 第五回 「メルロ=ポンティの知覚論」資料 https://www.slideshare.net/youichiromiyake/ss-61299899
「生態学的ゲームAI論」  三宅 陽一郎 http://igda.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/ai-igdajp/cedec2009/PG2009_0901_miya.pdf

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References list of "AI meets Philosophy: how to design the Game AI"