
How are character’s motions such as moving and attacking quickly created?

Two types of motion-generating methods

There are two types of motion generation methods of game characters. One is to reproduce motion data prepared as data. Another one is to generate motion by itself. The first one is the mainstream of games today.

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Given motion data, movement is simply reproduced in response to the environment, and may be inconsistent with it in some cases. Also, as an exit of intelligence, it can create very limited movements.

This means that the motion data can be considered as constraints. In other words, the character's decision making is limited by physical ability. Expectation for methods to generate motions by itself is estimated to grow.

However, when thinking of AI with a single body, the connection between the part of intelligence, and the part that controls motion, tends to be problematic. Decision making is basically a discrete symbolic system, and motion generation provides continuous motions while interacting with the environment. The next challenge is how to connect these two parts. (“Intelligence and exercise” – iCardbook | https://society-zero.com/icard/771277 )

Just as intelligence is hierarchical, so is a body. Uexküll built a subjective theory which underlay organism in “Umwelt”, and Gibson deepen the understanding on human beings from the psychological point. A Russian physiologist Nikolai Bernstein elaborated on this in the perspective of motion. The main concept in Bernstein's theories, "Cooperation" provides a clue to the connection of intelligence and motion.

Here's reference for the connection between intelligence and movement (books).

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【Reference (books) List】

(For more information about the book, click the book title. If you click on the related knowledge card that is under the book title, you can see the context in which these books are selected for reference, which are very useful for an Active Learner.)

Dexterity and Its Development (Resources for Ecological Psychology)
・Four Stages of Movement Generation/https://society-zero.com/icard/379164
Matter and Memory
・Co-ordination of senses and movements/https://society-zero.com/icard/686308
・Motion Perception and Game Characters/https://society-zero.com/icard/117596
・The Duality and Hierarchy of the Body/https://society-zero.com/icard/978847

・Motion Perception and Game Characters/https://society-zero.com/icard/117596
・The Duality and Hierarchy of the Body/https://society-zero.com/icard/978847

◎This is a listing of Reference "Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence for Movement" of 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intellect (Youichiro Miyake)'.


◎You can buy 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intellect (Youichiro Miyake)' at Kindle Store.

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