
Motion Perception and Game Characters

Matter and Memory

There are two types of game characters with bodies: the character that can generate motion, and the character that play motion data prepared as data. The former is technically difficult and rarely implemented, and the latter is the case with most of the current game characters, which are often given the generation ability to make fine adjustments. * If game characters were to be able to generate their own movements, it is necessary for them to have the intelligence to command the degree of freedom, and that will be the basis for the development of artificial intelligence. We cannot think body and intelligence separately.

*: On the other hand, to be given the motion data means that the movement is simply reproduced according to the environment. This can generate various discrepancies with the environment, and will take longer time. Also, as an exit of intelligence, it will only be able to do a few limited movements. It is even necessary to consider the motion data as a constraint condition. The paradox here is that decision-making is limited by physical abilities.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Matter and Memory  Henri Bergson  Martino Fine Books (February 6, 2011)
人工知能のための哲学塾』  第五夜・第四三章 人工知能に運動感覚を与える 三宅 陽一郎 二〇一六年
人工知能のための哲学塾 第五回 「メルロ=ポンティの知覚論」資料 三宅陽一郎 P.55 https://www.slideshare.net/youichiromiyake/ss-61299899

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