
The mechanism by which infanticide increases the multi-male group


Summarizing the above observations and analysis, the following explanation can be presented about the frequency of infanticide and gorilla society.

First, the females strengthen their association with males due to the frequent occurrence of infanticide. In addition, females move alone in order to avoid future killings. Furthermore, the females prefer a multi-male group with many males that will protect them against infanticide. Due to these changes in behavior by females, there are a lot of multi-male groups in Virunga.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ゴリラ 第二版』 第5章 変化する社会  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2015)
暴力はどこからきたか——人間性の起源を探る』 第5章 暴力の自然誌―子殺しから戦争まで  山極寿一 (NHKブックス、2007)

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