
Words Segment the World

Course in General Linguistics

Saussure explained that words is a tool for dividing (segmenting) the world.

There are times when two humans brought up in the same environment can more easily convey the meaning of words. For example, the meaning of the word "upper and lower relationship" can be understood in any country, because the words "upper" and "lower" are defined at various places on the earth.

In this way, words unknowingly contain metaphors of the environment in which the humans live.

A child who is brought up in the universe with zero gravity will not understand the metaphor of "upper and lower relationship." The word and the perception of the world are deeply connected.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Course in General Linguistics  Ferdinand de Saussure  Columbia University Press; 48943rd edition (1994)
比喩と理解 (コレクション認知科学)』  山梨 正明 二〇〇七年

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