
Artificial Intelligence and Umwelt(Environment World)


Naturally generated intelligence is called Natural Intelligence, and machines that are given intelligence is called Artificial Intelligence. Although the term "Artificial Intelligence" was used and established at the Dartmouth workshop in 1956, research on Artificial Intelligence had already been ongoing and the results were shared at the workshop.

Points declared in the guidance of the workshop were: "Artificial Intelligence" means "providing intelligence to machines" and "We will make it possible for AI to use words and concepts."

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
「人工知能で人間を写し取る」 三宅陽一郎 芸術科学会会誌 DIVA第40号(2016年夏号) http://art-science.org/diva/diva40-hq.pdf
人工知能のための哲学塾』 第三夜 デカルトと機械論  三宅 陽一郎 BNN新社 二〇一六年
絵でわかる人工知能』  第一章 人工知能ってなんだろう?  三宅 陽一郎 二〇一六年

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