
Primatology elucidates the societies of human ancestors


Why is it important to understand behaviors of gorillas in order to understand humans?  It is because understanding the behaviors, consciousness, and societies of gorillas will help us make accurate inferences about those of our human ancestors.

In contrast, misunderstandings about gorillas may lead to misunderstandings about our own past. Therefore, research on primates plays an important role in exploring the evolution of human behavior and societies.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
霊長類進化の科学』  京都大学霊長類研究所編 (京都大学学術出版会、2007)
新しい霊長類学——人を深く知るための100問100答』  京都大学霊長類研究所編著 (講談社ブルーバックス、2009)

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