
From Unconsciousness to Consciousness

AI meets Philosophy

Information that passes through the body of an organism is first interpreted in various ways in unconsciousness.

There, the unshaped signals become condensed sets, transformed as signifié and signifiant and become symbols. The correlation between signals is, to some extent, memorized as a connection between words. This relationship between the signs becomes the language of the conscious world, and we deepen our understanding of the world surrounding it through the ropes of the language relationships, that is, the language circuit. And mind itself will be formed by language.

In other words, the continuous signals that reflect the chains of the world are preserved as the relationships between the converted symbols. Our consciousness experiences the world in which such a relationship is embedded and learns about the relationship of the world, using this as a clue.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
人工知能のための哲学塾』 第二夜 ユクスキュルと環世界  三宅 陽一郎 二〇一六年
「ゲーム、人工知能、環世界 考える存在から経験の総体へ、AIのための現象学的転回」 三宅 陽一郎 『現代思想』 2015年12月号 特集=人工知能 青土社 二〇一五年  https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4791713095

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