A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire

ISBN : 9780521617116

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This paper tries to clarify the actual condition of the Narh system by using the Mühimme defteri and the Kanunname in addition to the Narh defteri.In the Ottoman Empire, as the population increased rapidly in the 16th century, procurement of food and its smooth distribution became indispensable. Especially, since many people flowed into Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, it was a top government priority to ensure the smooth distribution of goods there.
 16, 17世紀イスタンブルにおける公定価格制度 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jorient1962/45/2/45_2_75/_article/-char/ja/

This book is valuable both as a detailed history of money throughout the Ottoman period and as a challenge to various established views on Ottoman history.' Journal of Islamic Studies.
 A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0521617111/sasazamani-22

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この記事は「 イスラーム世界の社会秩序 もうひとつの「市場と公正」 Vol.2 市場経済における「イスラームの道」(歴史編)」の「参考文献」リストの一つです。

This article is one of the "References list" of "「 イスラーム世界の社会秩序 もうひとつの「市場と公正」 Vol.2 市場経済における「イスラームの道」(歴史編)」"

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■関連URL(Related URL)

■プロフィール:加藤博 http://www6.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/kato/profile.htm

●「多元的歴史叙述をめざして」加藤博|民博通信 http://www6.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/kato/essay/min.htm

●結 語 市場経済における「ヨーロッパの道」と「イスラームの道」 https://society-zero.com/icard/islum2_con

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