
KR (Knowledge Representation) for game characters


As the game becomes bigger and more complex, and the story becomes more complex, it has become necessary for game characters to live in a world of meaning with more depth, rather than the simple movements of reflex which sufficed previously. Thus, KR (Knowledge Representation) for game characters also needs to be constructed in the dimension of meaning.

For “enemy characters”, the indicator that it is an “enemy” and the location of its weak points can be embedded in the “enemy character” as an object. Also, within an entire terrain, the “walking” indicator can be used for the areas where a certain character can be walking.

By giving information to the world and the object in this way, artificial intelligence (Character AI) can acquire knowledge about the object, know its action possibilities, and select one out of the several action possibilities; that is, the AI can make a decision.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
三宅 陽一郎 「ディジタルゲームにおける人工知能技術の応用の現在」 二〇一五年 人工知能学会  http://id.nii.ac.jp/1004/00000517/
「デジタルゲームのための人工知能の基礎理論」 三宅 陽一郎 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 、VOL.18 NO.3、二〇一三年  http://journal.vrsj.org/18-3/s28-33.pdf

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