
Teaching behavior in animals

the Thinking Ape: The Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence

“Teaching behavior” is manifested when the two parties know that there is a difference in knowledge between them, and one tries to improve the other's ability regardless of disadvantages to themselves.

It is known in carnivores, such as lions and cheetahs, and in raptors, such as ospreys, but it is rarely found in monkeys and apes, as nonhuman primates do not need the skills to capture prey.*

Even an ape with a “theory of mind” will rarely try to improve another's ability despite it causing them a disadvantage, and any teaching which does occur is limited to mothers and their infants.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Thinking Ape: The Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence  Richard Byrne  Oxford University Press (March 23, 1995)
霊長類学を学ぶ人のために』  西田利貞・上原重男編 (世界思想社、1999))
家族進化論』 第5章・第4節 心の理論と利他的行動  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

*There have only been two reports of such behavior in chimpanzees: a mother showing her infant how to break nuts open with a tree branch, and a mother repeatedly showing her infant the action of fishing out termites with a tool, before handing the tool the infant.

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