
Tropical rainforest distribution and climates

An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests

Today, rainforests are located in the three main areas: the Amazon River Basin in South America, the Congo Basin in Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. All of those regions are warm throughout the year, and their daily temperature fluctuation is comparable to their average seasonal temperature fluctuation. It rains heavily during the most months of the year. Some regions have a dry season, in which the monthly rainfall falls below 100 mm, but such periods rarely last more than three months.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests  T. C. Whitmore Oxford University Press; 2 edition (June 4, 1998)
熱帯雨林』  湯本貴和著 (岩波書店、1999)
熱帯雨林 生命の森』 湯本貴和 (エメラルドフォレスト、2008)

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