
Diurnal life changed monkeys

Evolution of Human Sociality Vol 1. Primatology as a Study of Society

Primates, which evolved into medium- and large-sized diurnal fruit eaters, then acquired a variety of additional features. They developed stereoscopic and color vision to enable them to find fruit in the forest more efficiently, and they formed groups to protect their food supply from other groups. Also, the enlargement of the body size made them more terrestrial and made their groups larger.*

Several features of modern humans the heritage of our ancestors’ arboreal life.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開』 第2章・第3節 類人猿の食と社会  山極寿一 (裳華房、2002)
サル学なんでも小事典―ヒトとは何かを知るために』 霊長類研究所編 (講談社、1992)
新・霊長類学のすすめ』 京都大学霊長類研究所編 (丸善出版、2003)

*The enlargement of primate bodies led to a higher risk of predation, so they began to form groups to avoid predators. Gradually, fruits and insects became insufficient as their food source. Fruits are seasonal foods and insects are small. They therefore became leaf eaters, as leaves are abundant and always available in the rainforest. Since the leaves of evergreen forests are tough with plant fiber, the primates evolved sharp tooth crowns that could mash leaves. They also had bacteria in their intestines to digest fiber effectively. [Editorial note]

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