
Sexual characteristics in humans


So, how about our species?

Unlike chimpanzees, female humans do not exhibit sexual swelling, but they do have swollen breasts which attract male humans. However, the swelling of female breasts is not related to their menstrual cycle.

Human males have an intermediate relative testes size—larger than gorillas (one-male groups) and smaller than chimpanzees (multi-male groups), but their penises are much larger than both great apes.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
人間の性はどこから来たのか』  榎本知郎 (平凡社、1994)
性の人類学―サルとヒトの接点を求めて』  高畑由紀夫編著 (世界思想社、1994)
人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開』 第四章 霊長類の性と進化  山極寿一 (裳華房、2002)
性の進化、ヒトの進化−類人猿ボノボの観察から』  古市剛史 (朝日選書、1999)

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