
Differences in fallback foods between the two species

Evolution of Human Sociality Vol 1. Primatology as a Study of Society

Yamagiwa conducted his study of sympatric apes in Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, 1 focusing on their food during the season in which fruit—the preferred food for both gorillas and chimpanzees—became scarce. 2

When fruits were scarce, the gorillas fed on the bark of various tree species, a food item that the chimpanzees seldom ate. On the other hand, chimpanzees in the fruit-scarce season foraged a wide variety of insects and mammals that the gorillas rarely fed on.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ゴリラ 第二版』 第6章 二つの類人猿——ゴリラとチンパンジー  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2005)

1A national park located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in which Eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) and central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) live sympatrically.

2Comparing the diets of the gorillas and chimpanzees, the food items of fruits and leaves largely overlapped between the two apes, although gorillas ate a larger amount of leaves than chimpanzees. Differences in their diets were more prominent in their non-main foods.

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