
The Methodology of Kinji Imanishi


Imanishi and his students, Jun’ichiro Itani and Shunzo Kawamura, observed Japanese macaques, focusing on their social structure and cultural behaviors. Imanishi emphasized the following three points in his method of primate research:

  1. Application of comparative sociology methods
  2. Observing primates with individual identification
  3. Recording social interactions through long-term observation

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ニホンザルの生態』  河合雅雄 (河出書房新社、1969)
「日本人による霊長類の野外研究―その二〇年間の回顧と将来への展望―」  今西錦司(『今西錦司全集 第7巻』217~232ページ (講談社、1975))

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