
Human Behavioral Evolution 1: Sexual Role Sharing Associated with Bipedal Walking

Hominid Evolution and Community

Sexual role assignment based on bipedalism and food sharing may be one of the forms of evolution that occurred in humans in order to facilitate the provision of energy to the brain.

In savannahs, which have many predators, mothers must stay in a safe place to take care of their babies, and so fathers and other adults have to walk long distances to carry food to them. Bipedal walking was very suitable for such long distance travel and food transport.

Furthermore, more frequent food sharing among humans since the time of our common ancestors with great apes would have helped to provide mothers and children with adequate nutrition.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Origin Of Humankind (Science Masters Series)  Richard Leakey Basic Books; Reprint edition (August 23, 1996)
Hominid Evolution and Community Ecology: Prehistoric Human Adaptation in Biological Perspective  Robert Foley Academic Pr; First Edition edition (September 1, 1984)
家族進化論』 第2章・第15節 人類の食の特徴と進化  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

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