Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us

著者: Rodney Brooks
出版社: Vintage
ISBN : 9780375725272

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Rodney Brooks, a leading roboticist and computer scienceprofessor, believes that robots in the future will probably be nothing like suchall-knowing brain machines as 2001's HAL, nor will they resemble the sleek cyborgs ofother Hollywood nightmares. Rather, they will be simple, ubiquitous, curious littlemachines that will have more in common with humans than one might think. Brooks, and hisfellow researchers, suggest that the focus of much AI and robot research has been todevelop superhuman devices that operate at the highest intellectual levels. Its better, hesays, to make a lot of simple, cheap robots that can perform only a few tasks, but do themwell.

Are we really on the brink of having robots to mop our floors, do our dishes, mow our lawns, and clean our windows? And are researchers that close to creating robots that can think, feel, repair themselves, and even reproduce?

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"The text is a multidimensional space, and there, the various Ekritule are connected and challenged, none of which originates. The text is a woven fabric of quotes that came from countless cultural centers."(Lauren Barth "Death of the Author" "Structural Analysis of the Story")


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Subsumption Architecture

■References list of AI meets Philosophy:how to design the Game AI


How does Character AI recognize the surroundings while moving around?

  This is an introductory article on the Chapter 5 bibliography list.

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■References list of "AI meets Philosophy:how to design the Game AI"


■関連URL(Related URL)

Miyake Labo – ゲームAI開発者三宅陽一郎の非実在研究室 https://miyayou.com/

三宅 陽一郎 – AIandSociety Symposium http://www.aiandsociety.org/youichiromiyake-2/

[はじめに]『人工知能と人工知性』 – iCardbook|知の旅人に https://society-zero.com/icard/3335

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