
Paternal care and incest avoidance among gorillas

Gorillas in the Mist

Gorilla males are not interested in newborn babies. However, when the child grows to over one year old and begins to put foods other than milk into their mouth, the mother begins to leave the child with the adult male leader (the silverback), and after the age of three, while still weaning, the child will leave the mother and follow the silverback male.

The close relationship between these males and their offspring continues until adolescence. As daughters reach sexual maturity, they tend to avoid the males who provided them with parental care, and leave the group to transfer into other groups or to solitary males.

In other words, the care provided by the males during childhood promotes the emigration and transfer by the daughters.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Gorillas in the Mist  Diane Fossey Dr.  Mariner Books; 1st Mariner Books Ed edition (October 6, 2000)
ゴリラとヒトの間』 第7章 メスたちの選択  山極寿一 (講談社現代新書、1993)

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