
The family of the future


The family and community have been supported by the basic elements of life: food, clothing, and shelter. The family and community began to break down as those basic elements became attributed to the individual. In other words, rethinking those three elements in the super-smart society will lead to a revival of reliable social capital. If we can find a way to use information technology devices to enjoy food, clothing, and shelter as “things we share,” as we once did, then perhaps we might be able to construct families and communities that are different to those we had the past.

Wise consideration for the environment and a correct understanding of science and technology must lead the way for the harmonious development of global society, and then the family will surely be reborn in a new form.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
家族進化論』 第6章・第11節 家族は生き残れるか  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)
「こころの起源―共感から倫理へ」  山極寿一(『こころはどこから来て、どこへ行くのか』所収 pp.155~200  河合俊雄・中沢新一・広井良典・下條伸輔・山極寿一 (岩波書店、2016))

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