
Japanese macaque society


The group sizes of Japanese macaques range from about 20 to 200 individuals, and a group usually consists of multiple males and females. There is a linear dominance hierarchy among individuals.* Females remain in the group throughout their lives, whereas males emigrate from the natal group on sexual maturity, live solitary for certain period, and enter another group. Relationships between groups is generally hostile, and groups sometimes split.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ニホンザルの生態』 河合雅雄 (河出書房、1964)
ニホンザルの自然社会―エコミュージアムとしての屋久島』  高畑由起夫・山極寿一編 (京都大学学術出版会、2000)
日本のサル:哺乳類学としてのニホンザル研究』  辻大和・中川尚史編 (東京大学出版会、2017)

*In a linear dominance hierarchy, there are no “three-cornered deadlocks.” That is, if individual A is dominant to individual B, and B is dominant to C, then A is always dominant to C.

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