
The origin of Japanese macaques


There are two prefectures in Japan in which there are no wild Japanese macaques: Hokkaido and Okinawa. No Japanese macaque fossils have also been found in those prefectures either. This implies that the ancestors of Japanese macaques first arrived in western Japan in the glacial era of ca. 500,000 years ago, coming from the Korean Peninsula, and that they adapted to the cold climate after the ice age was over, spreading to northern Japan.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
日本の哺乳類学2.中大型哺乳類・霊長類』  高槻成紀・山極寿一編 (東京大学出版会 2008)
サル学なんでも小事典―ヒトとは何かを知るために』  霊長類研究所編 (講談社、1992)

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