
Prerequisites of the family


Taking their cue from the arguments of Espinas, Imanishi proposed four prerequisites necessary for the formation of the human family:

  1. Exogamy*
  2. Taboo on inbreeding
  3. Sexual division of labor (roles)
  4. Formation of communities that include multiple families

Imanishi and his colleagues anticipated that gorilla societies would have all of the above prerequisites, except for the third: the division of labor.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
今西錦司(1961)「人間家族の起源―プライマトロジーの立場から」、民族学研究, 25: 119-138.
「生物社会学・人類学から見た家族の起源」  伊谷純一郎(『講座家族第1巻:家族の歴史』1~17ページ所収 青山道夫ほか編 (弘文堂、1973))
家族の起源―父性の登場』  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、1994)

*Exogamy: to mate only with individuals from outside one’s own social group.

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