
Joint childcare and music

How Musical Is Man?  

Primates become cooperative when they seek to protect their babies. In fact, there is a hypothesis that human musical ability was enhanced through efforts to care for babies.

Although baby monkeys and apes are quiet, human babies cry frequently. This is because human mothers cannot hold their heavy babies for prolonged periods, and frequently have to put them down.

A baby that is no longer being held by its mother cries loudly to draw attention to itself. In order to stop the crying, the people nearby will speak to it with musical voices.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
How Musical Is Man?   John Blacking University of Washington Press; Reprint edition (September 1, 1974)
The Singing Neanderthals: The Origins of Music, Language, Mind, and Body  Steven Mithen  Harvard University Press (October 31, 2007)

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