
Group fission


Why, then, is the group size on Yakushima smaller than on Kinkazan?  This may be because of differences in the pattern of group fission (the break-up of groups). On Honshu, including Kinkazan, group fission mainly occurs in the non-mating season (spring to summer), when number of individuals in a group exceeds approximately 100. In contrast, on Yakushima, group fission also occurs in the mating season (fall to winter).

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ニホンザルの自然社会―エコミュージアムとしての屋久島』 高畑由起夫・山極寿一編 (京都大学学術出版会、2000)
「日本の霊長類——ニホンザル研究の歴史と展望」  山極寿一 (『日本の哺乳類学2.中大型哺乳類・霊長類』所収 pp. 2949.  高槻成紀・山極寿一編 (東京大学出版会、2008))
『サルと歩いた屋久島』  山極寿一 (山と渓谷社、2006)

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