
Animal sociology and the “naming” of animals

My Life with the Chimpanzees

They proposed the “individual identification method”*: the researchers named each animal to identify them individually. This method was, however, harshly criticized by Western ethologists as encouraging anthropomorphism.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
My Life with the Chimpanzees   Jane Goodall Aladdin; Revised edition (April 1, 1996)
サル・ヒト・アフリカ 私の履歴書』  伊谷純一郎(日本経済新聞社、1991)
山極寿一, 2006. 「ゴリラの人付け、人のゴリラ付け」、心理学評論, 49(3): 403-413.
・松沢哲郎.2009.「霊長類学 60 年と今西錦司:世界の霊長類学における日本の貢献」霊長類研究.24:187 − 196, 2009
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/psj/24/3/24_3_187/_pdf [Editorial note]

*A research method in behavioral ecology. To study the life history and social behaviors of animals, researchers identify individual study animals. Individual identification allows researchers to record the behaviors of each individual and clarify individual differences in a group.[Editorial note]

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