
Bonobo females prevent infanticide with false estrus


The length of time that it takes females to resume estrus is also a factor affecting the presence or absence of infanticide.

For example, in chimpanzees, a species in which infanticide has been reported, the lactation period lasts for several years, and females do not resume estrus until their infants are weaned. In the closely-related bonobo, on the other hand, no infanticide has been reported. Bonobo females resume a “fake” estrus about a year after birth, and mate with males even during lactation.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
最後の類人猿——ピグミーチンパンジーの行動と生態』  加納隆至 (どうぶつ社、1986)
性の進化、ヒトの進化——類人猿ボノボの観察から』  古市剛史 (朝日選書、1999)

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