
Regional differences in immigration patterns of solitary males


There is also an interesting difference in the pattern of male immigration into groups between the two sites. On Kinkazan, immigrated males are usually the lowest ranking among the males. By contrast, on Yakushima, immigrant males often fight with the highest-ranking male. If the newcomer wins, he gains the highest rank. This suggests that, on Yakushima, where inter-group competition is intense, strong males tend to be accepted by group members.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
霊長類学を学ぶ人のために』  西田利貞・上原重男編 (世界思想社、1999)
サルと歩いた屋久島』  山極寿一 (山と渓谷社、2006)
野生ニホンザルの研究』  伊沢紘生 (どうぶつ社、2009)
「日本の霊長類ニホンザル研究の歴史と展望」  山極寿一(『日本の哺乳類学2.中大型哺乳類・霊長類』所収 pp. 2949 (東京大学出版会、2008))

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