
The Symbol Grounding Problem and AI (1)


The biggest challenge of AI construction by Symbolism is The Symbol Grounding Problem. "Signifiant/Signifié" was a story of the correspondence inside the human mind. On the other hand, The Symbol Grounding Problem is a problem of the correspondence of the symbols with the real environment.

Symbol Grounding means that the part of the real world environment is mapped to a symbol. *

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition (English Edition) 3rd Edition  S.J.Russell, P.Norvig Pearson Education India; 3rd edition (October 14, 2015)
言語と身体性』  安西 祐一郎・今井 むつみ(編 二〇一四年
ビッグデータと人工知能 - 可能性と罠を見極める』 西垣 亘 二〇一六年
「ゲーム、人工知能、環世界 考える存在から経験の総体へ、AIのための現象学的転回」 三宅 陽一郎 『現代思想』 2015年12月号 特集=人工知能 青土社 二〇一五年  https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4791713095

*: For example, the word "chair" can be defined as a thing to sit on which has four legs. It can correspond to one independent chair, but it cannot answer as to whether a sofa in a Ferris wheel is a chair, whether a folded chair is a chair, or whether something like a big rubber ball is a chair. In front of the diverse possibilities of reality, a symbol is always helpless to cover them entirely, like a small blanket.

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