
Ecological differentiation between gorillas and chimpanzees


In the 1950s, researchers conducted short-term investigations in areas in which the two African ape species live sympatrically: Uganda and Equatorial Guinea. Based on their findings, they reported that the two species occupy different ecological niches*: gorillas are ground-dwelling, live in humid valleys and secondary forests and feed on mostly leaves, whereas chimpanzees are arboreal, live in dry mountains and primary forests, and mainly forage for fruit.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ゴリラ 第二版』 第6章 二つの類人猿——ゴリラとチンパンジー  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2005)

*The ecological conditions under which a given species occupies its environment, including food, activity rhythm, and habitat. Generally speaking, it is thought that related species living sympatrically can coexist because they occupy different ecological niches.

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