
The rule of “dominance of the youngest siblings” among Japanese macaques


Long-term research on Japanese macaques has shown that their society possesses some “rules.” One of the rules is that of the “dominance of the youngest siblings.”* There are clear dominance relationships between individuals, and, among females, younger siblings are generally dominant over older siblings. The relationships are developed by mothers helping their younger daughters in sibling conflicts, and the relationships remain even after the mothers disappear and the siblings become adults.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ニホンザルの生態』  河合雅雄 (河出書房新社、1969)
人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開』 第六章・第一節 攻撃と和解  山極寿一 (裳華房、2008)
川村俊蔵.1958.「箕面谷B群にみられる母系的順位構造:ニホンザルの順位制の研究」Primates. 1(2):149-158.

*Shunzo Kawamura, one of the founders of primatology and the first professor at the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute, proposed the rule of dominance of the youngest siblings in Japanese macaque societies. He is also known as the first researcher in the world to report cultural behaviors such as potato washing. [Editorial note]

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