
What is Agent Architecture?

What is Agent Architecture?

Agent architecture is the technology which formulates a link between the world (surrounding environment) and intelligence. First, both of intelligence and the world (surrounding environment) are grasped as independent. And then, we put "sensor to retrieve the information" and "effectors to affect the world" between intelligence and the world. In the case of living things including humans, the body is a sensor and an effector, but the major challenge here is how to embody this physique or physical experience into the design of AI.

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“Agent Architecture” is an idea which has become essential basic knowledge for all those who work on games, not only application developers or programmers; and became a hot topic at the game development fair by DeNA, “DeNA TechCon 2019.”

Character AI and Agent Architecture

The framework of engineering (programming) that creates game Character’s AI is based on "Agent Architecture." "Agent Architecture" is originally a robotics architecture, but it is a "Modular design" (a design that combines elements) at the same time, and this enables it to create a variety of AI by customizing the contents of each module.
(“Game AI & Multi-Agent Top”, https://www.slideshare.net/youichiromiyake/ai-79541209 )

Just as the water wheel rotates with the water, Agent Architecture excites the various modules by the flow of information. This flow of information, flowing between the world and intelligence, is called “Information Flow." This is very similar to the connection between organism and environment.

“Function Cycle” and Agent Architecture

"Functional Cycle" is a term in "Umwelt (Environment World)." It represents the connection between living organisms as subject, and object in the world (environment). The subject is attracted to a certain feature (such as color, shape, and movement) of the object; the sensory index, and is stimulated to act (such as biting and grabbing) on a specific part of the action index.

For example, “smelling a flower for the nectar” for butterflies, or “sensing moisture of an animal for the blood” for mosquitos, are sensory indicators that elicit “sucking nectar” or “sucking blood" behaviors. The relationship established between the subject and the object is called Function Cycle, and the subjective world of living organisms is called Umwelt.

Umwelt, the biology term which represents the subject-object circular relationship, corresponds to the "Agent Architecture" of AI.

Here is a bibliography (books) on the "Agent Architecture" concept that is becoming essential for the development of digital games, especially for Character AI and other artificial intelligence.

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【Reference (books) List】

(For more information about the book, click the book title. If you click on the related knowledge card that is under the book title, you can see the context in which these books are selected for reference, which are very useful for an Active Learner.)

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Global Edition (English Edition) 3rd Edition
・Agent Architecture/https://society-zero.com/icard/803223
・Sensors and Effectors/https://society-zero.com/icard/605183
・Basic Modules of Intelligence/https://society-zero.com/icard/686455
・Information flow/https://society-zero.com/icard/342463
・Sensors and Effectors/https://society-zero.com/icard/605183
・Basic Modules of Intelligence/https://society-zero.com/icard/686455

・Agent Architecture/https://society-zero.com/icard/803223
・Game Character AI/https://society-zero.com/icard/222450


◎This is a listing of Reference "Chapter 4: Basic Structure of AI" of 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intellect (Youichiro Miyake)'.


◎You can buy 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intellect (Youichiro Miyake)' at Kindle Store.

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