
Common behavior relating to infanticide: who kills the infants, and the response of the mother

Gorillas in the Mist

Detailed analyses of each case of infanticide in Virunga has revealed some common factors.

All of the infants that were killed were pre-weaning babies, and most of the killers were mature males, solitary males from outside of the group, and males in other groups. In addition, the mothers who lost the infants often left the group and transferred to another male after the infanticide occurred, and in about half of the cases, they mated with the killer.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Gorillas in the Mist  Diane Fossey Dr.  Mariner Books; 1st Mariner Books Ed edition (October 6, 2000)
暴力はどこからきたか——人間性の起源を探る』 第5章 暴力の自然誌―子殺しから戦争まで  山極寿一 (NHKブックス、2007)

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