
The “creative explosion”

The Dawn of Human Culture

Homo sapiens, who appeared in Africa two hundred thousand years ago, began to demonstrate:

  1. Abstract thinking
  2. Excellent planning ability
  3. Behavioral, economic, and technical inventiveness
  4. The ability to use symbols

Forty thousand years ago, they arrived in Europe, and made numerous ornamental objects. This is referred to as the “creative explosion,” or a “socio-cultural big bang.”

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
The Dawn of Human Culture  Richard G. Klein Wiley; 1 edition (March 1, 2002)
人類がたどってきた道——”文化の多様化”の起源を探る』  海部陽介 (NHKブックス、2005)

Related iCards: Life in the savannah and “Out of Africa” (Vol 1.) / Human babies born with absolute pitch (Vol 2.) /Language and cognitive fluidity (Vol 2.)/ The “creative explosion” (Vol 2.)

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