Game Engine Architecture, Third Edition

著者: Jason Gregory
出版社: A K Peters/CRC Press
ISBN : 9781138035454

■アクティブラーニングに便利(for your effective Active Learning)


About the Author

Jason Gregory has worked as a software engineer in the games industry since March 1999 and as a professional software engineer since 1994. He got his start in game programming at Midway Home Entertainment in San Diego, where he worked on Hydro Thunder 2 and Offroad Thunder, and wrote the Playstation 2/Xbox animation system for Freaky Flyers and Crank the Weasel. In 2003, Jason moved to Electronic Arts Los Angeles, where he worked on engine and gameplay technology for Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault and served as a lead engineer on the Medal of Honor: Airborne project. Jason is currently a Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog Inc., where he and his colleagues are currently working on The Last of Us: Part II for Playstation 4. He also developed engine and gameplay software for every game in the Uncharted series, and The Last of Us on PS3 and PS4, and has also taught courses in game technology at the University of Southern California.

This book is intended to serve as an introductory text, but it also offers the experienced game programmer a useful perspective on aspects of game development technology with which they may not have deep experience. As always, copious references and citations are provided in this edition, making it an excellent jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process.

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Digital Games and Artificial Intelligence

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How to make Character AI

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■References list of "AI meets Philosophy:how to design the Game AI"

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