Ecrits: The First Complete Edition in English

著者: Jacques Lacan , Bruce Fink(翻訳) , Heloise Fink(寄稿) , Russell Grigg(寄稿)
出版社: W W Norton & Co Inc
ISBN : 9780393329254

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Jorge Rodighiero rated it

To summarize the discussion that Lacan sustains in these book, I would like to share this quote of his ‘Écrits’:

"Is the place that I occupy as the subject of the signifier concentric or eccentric in relation to the place I occupy as subject of the signified?” The point is not to know whether I speak of myself in a way that conforms to what I am but rather to know whether when I speak of myself, I am the same as the self of whom I speak."

“Fink’s precise new translation makes this pivotal period in Lacan’s thought more accessible to English speakers.”―Publishers Weekly, starred review

Brilliant and innovative, Jacques Lacan's work lies at the epicenter of modern thought about otherness, subjectivity, sexual difference, the drives, the law, and enjoyment. This new translation of his complete works offers welcome, readable access to Lacan's seminal thinking on diverse subjects touched upon over the course of his inimitable intellectual career.

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"The text is a multidimensional space, and there, the various Ekritule are connected and challenged, none of which originates. The text is a woven fabric of quotes that came from countless cultural centers."(Lauren Barth "Death of the Author" "Structural Analysis of the Story")


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